Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Assignment 1 Habitat :

Assignment 1 Proposed Environments :

Assignment 1 Final Creature : Skorpios

The client Skorpios is a predatory arthrodpod animal of the Scorpiones within the class Arachnida. Unlike its cousins, Skoepios has 6 legs, however like its cousins; Skorpios shares the same lobster like pincers and a segmented tail with a venomous stinger at the end ever ready to strike.

Being that Skorpios has an excoskeleton, which is design to retain water, Skorpios would be presumably be very successful in a dry environment.

Assignment 1 Final Creature : Fanged Flora

The client Fanged Flora is a blind carnivorous plant, however its heightened sense of smell enables it to locate pray over vast distances and tiny hairs located all over its body sense vibration. Its diet comprises of any living thing that can be forcefully graps by its roots. The Fanged Flora is equipped with an array of teeth located within its primary jaw and with assistance from both its secondary jaws, the Fanged Flora viciously rips off chuncks of flesh off it's prey, while the prey itself is immobilised by the deadly roots of this merciless beast.

Assignment 1 Preliminary Creature 5 : Florapod

Assignment 1 Preliminary Creature 4 : Skorpios

Preliminary Creature 3 : Desert Reptonite

Preliminary Creature 2 : Lepidoptera El Grande

Preliminary Creature 1 : Fanged Flora